AC.Net (2,7 MB)
O projeto AC.Net demonstra como trabalhar com Certificado de Atributos (X.509 Attribute Certificate) na plataforma Microsoft. Desenvolvido pelo Laboratório da Tecnologia de Informação Aplicada (LTIA) - UNESP -

Active Data Object for WPF Data Binding

To make CLR object's properties automatically notify value changes so that WPF data binding engine can update UI accordinally. The solution utilizes .NET custom TypeDescriptor mechanism to selectively override existing CLR property's behavoir or create fresh new property for data binding. Property change notification can be triggered by instance's events (for example, SomePropertyChanged event) or external events (for example, a Timer's Elapsed event). On top of the implementation stack, there will be an Application Model layer to make things more earier. It is being designed right now. With only one line of code, your binding to the DataTime.Now is made alive for WPF data binding. Try it and provide feedback to us!

ADO.NET Samples

ADO.NET Samples

Ajax Controls and Extenders

Ajax Controls and Extenders written in C# using Ajax 1.x and MS Visual Studio 2005.

ALGLIB is an open source numerical analysis library. This site is a CodePlex mirror for C# version of ALGLIB. Versions in other languages (C++, Python and even more) can be downloaded from main ALGLIB website - [url:]. ALGLIB implements linear algebra functions (subset of LAPACK), linear solvers, ODE solvers, nonlinear optimization, interpolation/fitting, integration, fast transforms and many other algorithms.

AOL Instant Messenger for WPF (144 kB)
I am trying to create a nicely designed interface and client for AIM written in .NET 3.0 using WPF. There is a new SDK from AOL that allows easy access to their network so the backend is mostly already done for us.

WPF Application Framework (803 kB)
Our project includes some controls and solutions to be used such a starter kit to create WPF applications including Xaml Browser Applications - XBAP. This is a beginning project and is provided "AS IS". We intend to update it constantly.

Argos II - Systems Monitoring (787 kB)
Argos is a monitoring system that utilizes Windows Workflow Foundation to monitor other systems and applications, and to report any failures in those.


aspNETserve is a free and open source ASP.NET 2.0/3.x web server. Written in C#, aspNETserve can be used to host your ASP.NET website, or to extend your knowledge of ASP.NET.

Assinador Digital (Digital Signature Utility)

Com poucos cliques e de modo simples e fácil, esta aplicação realiza processos de visualização, inclusão, remoção e validação de assinaturas digitais em lotes de documentos que utilizam a Open Packaging Convention (OPC).

AuctionSite Starter Kit (9,7 MB)
A starterkit to provide community members with an understanding of the .net 3.0 / 3.5 technology, including Ajax and LINQ


AvalonControlsLibrary is a set of WPF controls that can help WPF developers while developing applications. The library includes a WPF Date picker, Time Picker and loads of other stuff...

Breadcrumb bar / Vista explorer address bar (146 kB)
First Vista - like Breadcrumb bar / Adressbar for WPF and it's FREE :)

CAB Extension / Test Suite reference application (9,2 MB)
The CAB Extension library extends the Composite UI Application Block with a Workspace for the DockPanel Suite library (VS 2005 similar user interface) and more.

C# Snippets (from VB Snippets in VS.Net 2005)

C# Snippets is a collection of almost 300 snippets from the VB.Net Snippet collection ported over to C#.

DepO WPF Dependency Object Visualizer

DepO is a visualizer for Microsoft Visual Studio that enables you to view the Logical and Visual DependencyObject hierarchies and any node's properties when debugging WPF applications. Supports both Dependency Properties, and regular properties, and for Dependency properties, tracks Base Values, Expressions, Animation, and Coercion.

DbEntry.Net (Leafing Framework) (23,5 MB)
DbEntry.Net (Leafing Framework) is a lightweight, high performance ORM compnent for .Net. It provides MVC, IoC framework as well.

Sharepoint Discoverter

Discoverter is a small tool to ease the creation of Sharepoint 2007/WSS 3.0 or Sharepoint 2010 Web Services. It converts .disco and .wsdl files created through disco.exe into disco.aspx and wsdl.aspx files ready to be dropped into 12\ISAPI (or 14\ISAPI).

docx2tex: Word 2007 to TeX (9,7 MB)
Docx2tex is a small command line tool that uses standard technologies to help users of Word 2007 to publish publications where typography is relevant or only papers produced by TeX are accepted. Behind the scenes, docx2tex uses common technologies to interpret Word 2007 OOXML format without utilizing the API of Word 2007.


Microsoft ASAP (Aspiring Software Architects Program) Case Study Implementation using the latest .NET 3.0 Technologies and proven Microsoft patterns and practices like Software Factories and Enterprise Library.